A 3D design created in vZome. Use your mouse or touch to interact.

As an alternative to the Zometool Kepler model, I have embedded the five Platonic solids using the standard blue [Phi, 1, phi] and the small green struts only, for phi = 1/Phi = 0.618.
- Outer icosahedron [edges = Phi].
- Inner dodecahedron [edges = phi].
- Inner unit cube [edges = 1] within dodecahedron.
- Inner tetrahedra [edges = sqrt(2)] within unit cube.
- Inner octahedron [edges = 0.5*sqrt(2)]. Small green struts.
Physical model: two inner pentagonal pyramids on opposing vertices of icosahedron: a) pentagonal base edges= phi and triangular side edges = 1.
Inner dodecahedron (edges = phi) supported by the two pentagonal pyramids (one pyramid would do, but two preferred for sturdier build and for better appreciation of rotational symmetry in holding model with two hands]